Lesson 4: Configuring the Notifier

This lesson assumes you have completed all preceding lessons. See Lesson 1: Setting up the consolidated database.

In this lesson, you configure a Notifier event to define how the Notifier creates push requests, and sends push notifications to devices.

The request_cursor event script detects push requests. Each push request determines what information is sent, and which device should receive the information.

 Create and configure a new Notifier
  1. In the left pane of Sybase Central under MobiLink 12, expand SIS_CarDealer_LP_DBLSN_CONDB_project, Consolidated Databases and then SIS_CarDealer_LP_DBLSN_CONDB - DBA.

  2. Right-click Notification, and then click New » Notifier.

  3. In the What Do You Want To Name The New notifier field, type CarDealerNotifier.

  4. Click Finish.

  5. In the right pane, select CarDealerNotifier, and then click File » Properties.

  6. Click the Events tab and click request_cursor from the Events list.

  7. Type the following SQL statement in the provided text field:

    SELECT ml_sis_sync_state.remote_id + '.sync' FROM ml_sis_sync_state
        EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Dealer
            WHERE last_modified >= ml_sis_sync_state.last_download)
        AND EXISTS (SELECT poll_key FROM non_sync_request)
  8. Click OK to save the Notifier event.

  9. Proceed to Lesson 5: Starting the MobiLink server.

 See also