The following shows you how to populate a table in the download with inserts using the last download time. Note that this
example assumes you have a DBConnectionContext instance called _cc.
// The method used for the handle_DownloadData event.
public void handleDownload() throws SQLException {
// Get the DownloadData for the current synchronization.
DownloadData my_dd = _cc.getDownloadData();
// Get the DownloadTableData for the remoteOrders table.
DownloadTableData td = my_dd.getDownloadTableByName("remoteOrders");
// Get the inserts given a last download time.
ResultSet inserts_rs = makeInsertsFromTimestamp(td.getLastDownloadTime());
// Fill the DownloadTableData using the inserts resultset.
setDownloadInsertsFromRS(td, inserts_rs);
// ...