Working with Agents in Sybase Central

After an Agent is created and configured on the client device using the mlagent command, the Agent must also be created in Sybase Central before it can be assigned tasks. The Create MobiLink Agent Wizard guides you through the creation of the Agent, where you specify the information that is required for the Agent to be properly identified.

Note that you must have a remote schema name defined before you can create an Agent in Sybase Central.

 Add a remote schema name
  1. Ensure the MobiLink project you are working with is selected in the left pane in Folders view, right-click Remote Schema Names and click New » Remote Schema Name.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Create Remote Schema Name Wizard and click Finish.

 Import remote schema names
  1. Ensure the MobiLink project you are working with is selected in the left pane in Folders view, right-click Remote Schema Names and click Import.

  2. Choose the database from which you want to import the remote schema names from the displayed list of consolidated databases and click OK. If there are any remote schema names in the selected database that are not already in the MobiLink project, they are imported.

 Add an Agent
  1. Ensure the MobiLink project you are working with is selected in the left pane in Folders view, expand Consolidated Databases, right-click Agents and click New » Agent.

  2. Follow the steps in the Create MobiLink Agent Wizard.

Once the Agent is created in Sybase Central, you can do the following:

  • view and change Agent properties

  • add remote databases for an Agent to manage

  • synchronize an Agent

  • delete an Agent

  • view events for an Agent

  • view tasks for an Agent

  • view information about remote databases managed by an Agent

 Viewing and changing Agent properties
 Adding managed remote databases
 Adding a group