Server and high ODBC level: warning messages when the MobiLink server starts
Synchronization and user level: warning messages when a synchronization starts
Schema level: warning messages when a MobiLink server is processing a client schema
Script and lower ODBC level: warning messages when a MobiLink server fetches, prepares, or executes scripts
Table or row level: warning messages when a MobiLink server performs table operations in an upload or download
To specify the level of warning messages you want reported, you can separate levels with a comma, or separate a range with
two dots. For example, -zw1..3,5 is the same as -zw1,2,3,5.
The reporting of messages has a slight impact on performance. Levels with a higher number tend to produce more messages.
If -zw is used more than once in the same command line, MobiLink recognizes only the last instance. If settings of -zw, -zwd,
and -zwe conflict, MobiLink gives priority to -zwe, then -zwd, then -zw.
The default is 1,2,3,4,5, which indicates that all levels of warning message should be displayed.