View search

To use a full text search on a view or derived table, you must build a text index on the columns in the base table that you want to perform a full text search on. The following statements create a view on the MarketingInformation table in the sample database, which already has a text index name, and then perform a full text search on that view.

To create a view on the MarketingInformation base table, execute the following statement:

CREATE VIEW MarketingInfoView AS
     MI."Description" AS "Desc"
FROM GROUPO.MarketingInformation AS MI

Using the following statement, you can query the view using the text index on the underlying table.

FROM MarketingInfoView
WHERE CONTAINS ( "Desc", 'Cap OR Tee*' )

You can also execute the following statement to query a derived table using the text index on the underlying table.

     SELECT MI.ProductID, MI."Description"
     FROM MarketingInformation AS MI
     WHERE MI."ID" > 4 ) AS dt ( P_ID, "Desc" )
WHERE CONTAINS ( "Desc", 'Base*' )

The columns on which you want to run the full text search must be included in the SELECT list of the view or derived table.

Searching a view using a text index on the underlying base table is restricted as follows:

  • The view cannot contain a TOP, FIRST, DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT clause, or window function.

  • The view cannot contain aggregate functions.

  • A CONTAINS query can refer to a base table inside a view, but not to a base table inside a view that is inside another view.

 See also