Listing the tables on a remote server

You can view a limited or comprehensive list of all the tables on a remote server using a system procedure.



Context and remarks


 List the tables on a remote server
  • Call the sp_remote_tables system procedure to return a list of the tables on a remote server.

    If you specify table_name or table_owner, the list of tables is limited to only those that match.


A list of all the tables, or a limited list of tables, is returned.




For example, to get a list of all the Microsoft Excel worksheets available from a remote server named excel, execute the following statement:

CALL sp_remote_tables  excel;

Or to get a list of all the tables in the production database in an Adaptive Server Enterprise server named asetest, owned by fred, execute the following statement:

CALL sp_remote_tables  asetest, null, fred, production;

 See also