Resetting procedure profiling

Reset procedure profiling when you want to clear existing profiling information about procedures, functions, events, and triggers.


DBA or PROFILE authority.

Context and remarks


Resetting does not stop procedure profiling if it is enabled, nor does it start procedure profiling if it is disabled.

 Reset procedure profiling (Sybase Central)
  1. Use the SQL Anywhere 12 plug-in to connect to the database.

  2. In the left pane, select the database.

  3. Click Mode » Application Profiling. If the Application Profiling Wizard appears, click Cancel.

  4. If procedure profiling is enabled: in the Application Profiling Details pane, click the database and then click View Profiling Settings On Selected Databases.

    If procedure profiling is not enabled, in the left pane, right-click the database and click Properties.

  5. Click the Profiling Settings tab.

  6. Click Reset Now.

  7. Click OK.


Procedure profiling is reset and existing profile information is cleared.



 See also