Export data with the Export Wizard

Use the Export Wizard to export query results in a specific format to a file or database.


DBA authority.

Context and remarks


 Export result sets data using Interactive SQL
  1. Execute a query.

  2. In Interactive SQL, click Data » Export.

  3. Follow the instructions in the Export Wizard.


The query results are exported to the specified file or database.




  1. Execute the following query while connected to the SQL Anywhere sample database.

    SELECT * FROM Employees
    WHERE State = 'GA';
  2. The result set includes a list of all employees who live in Georgia.

  3. Click Data » Export.

  4. Click In A Database.

  5. In the Database Type list, click UltraLite.

  6. In the User Id field, type dba.

  7. In the Password field, type sql.

  8. In the Database File field, type C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SQL Anywhere 12\Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\custdb.udb.

  9. Click Next.

  10. Click Create a new table.

  11. In the Table Name field, type NewTable.

  12. Click Export.

  13. Click Close.

  14. Click SQL » Previous SQL.

    The OUTPUT USING statement created and used by the Export Wizard appears in the SQL Statements pane:

    --  Generated by the Export Wizard
    OUTPUT USING 'driver=UltraLite 12;UID=dba;PWD=sql;
    DBF=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\SQL Anywhere 12\Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\custdb.udb' 
    INTO "dba"."NewTable"