List of static methods

The following is a list of all static methods available for use with spatial data. An X in the Round-Earth column indicates that the method is also supported on round-Earth spatial reference systems. The SQL/MM column reflects compliance with the SQL/MM standard (ISO/IEC 13249-3: 2006).

Method Type Description Round-Earth SQL/MM
ST_AsSVGAggr method ST_Geometry type

Returns a complete or partial SVG document which renders the geometries in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_CompareWKT method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Compares two spatial reference system definitions.

X Vendor extension
ST_ConvexHullAggr method ST_Geometry type

Returns the convex hull for all of the geometries in a group

Vendor extension
ST_EnvelopeAggr method ST_Geometry type

Returns the bounding rectangle for all of the geometries in a group

Vendor extension
ST_FormatTransformDefinition method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Returns a formatted copy of the transform definition.

X Vendor extension
ST_FormatWKT method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Returns a formatted copy of the Well Known Text (WKT) definition.

X Vendor extension
ST_GeomCollectionAggr method ST_GeomCollection type

Returns a geometry collection containing all of the geometries in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_GeomFromBinary method ST_Geometry type

Constructs a geometry from a binary string representation.

X Vendor extension
ST_GeomFromShape method ST_Geometry type

Parses a string containing an ESRI shape record and creates a geometry value of the appropriate type.

X Vendor extension
ST_GeomFromText method ST_Geometry type

Constructs a geometry from a character string representation.

X 5.1.40
ST_GeomFromWKB method ST_Geometry type

Parse a string containing a WKB or EWKB representation of a geometry and creates a geometry value of the appropriate type.

X 5.1.41
ST_GeomFromWKT method ST_Geometry type

Parses a string containing the WKT or EWKT representation of a geometry and create a geometry value of the appropriate type.

X Vendor extension
ST_GeometryTypeFromBaseType method ST_Geometry type

Parses a string defining the type string.

X Vendor extension
ST_GetUnProjectedTransformDefinition method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Returns the transform definition of the spatial reference system that is the source of the projection.

X Vendor extension
ST_IntersectionAggr method ST_Geometry type

Returns the spatial intersection of all of the geometries in a group

X Vendor extension
ST_LineStringAggr method ST_LineString type

Returns a linestring built from the ordered points in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_LinearUnHash method ST_Geometry type

Returns a geometry representing the index hash.

X Vendor extension
ST_LoadConfigurationData method ST_Geometry type

Returns binary configuration data. For internal use only.

X Vendor extension
ST_MultiCurveAggr method ST_MultiCurve type

Returns a multicurve containing all of the curves in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_MultiLineStringAggr method ST_MultiLineString type

Returns a multilinestring containing all of the linestrings in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_MultiPointAggr method ST_MultiPoint type

Returns a multipoint containing all of the points in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_MultiPolygonAggr method ST_MultiPolygon type

Returns a multipolygon containing all of the polygons in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_MultiSurfaceAggr method ST_MultiSurface type

Returns a multisurface containing all of the surfaces in a group.

X Vendor extension
ST_ParseWKT method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Retrieves a named element from the Well Known Text (WKT) definition of a spatial reference system.

X Vendor extension
ST_SRIDFromBaseType method ST_Geometry type

Parses a string defining the type string.

X Vendor extension
ST_TransformGeom method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Returns the geometry transformed using the given transform definition.

X Vendor extension
ST_UnionAggr method ST_Geometry type

Returns the spatial union of all of the geometries in a group

X Vendor extension
ST_World method ST_SpatialRefSys type

Returns a geometry that represents all of the points in the spatial reference system.

Vendor extension