Each row of the SYSSPATIALREFERENCESYSTEM system view describes an SRS defined in the database. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSSPATIALREFERENCESYSTEM.

This view offers slightly different amount of information than the ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS system view.

Column name Data type Description
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT For system use only.
owner UNSIGNED INT The owner of the SRS.
srs_name CHAR(128) The name of the SRS.
srs_id INT The numeric identifier (SRID) for the spatial reference system.
round_earth CHAR(1) Whether the SRS type is ROUND EARTH (Y) or PLANAR (N).
axis_order CHAR(12) Describes how the database server interprets points with regards to latitude and longitude (for example when using the ST_Lat and ST_Long methods). For non-geographic spatial reference systems, the axis order is x/y/z/m. For geographic spatial reference systems, the default axis order is long/lat/z/m; lat/long/z/m is also supported.
snap_to_grid DOUBLE Defines the size of the grid SQL Anywhere uses when performing calculations.
tolerance DOUBLE Defines the precision to use when comparing points.
semi_major_axis DOUBLE Distance from center of the ellipsoid to the equator for a ROUND EARTH SRS.
semi_minor_axis DOUBLE Distance from center of the ellipsoid to the poles for a ROUND EARTH SRS.
inv_flattening DOUBLE

The inverse flattening used for the ellipsoid in a ROUND EARTH SRS.

Inverse flattening (f) is a mathematical value that defines the degree of squashing of the pole of a spheroid towards its equator. The value ranges from no flattening (a perfect circle) to complete flattening (a straight line). Inverse flattening is the value of 1/f, as follows:

1/f = (semi_major_axis) / (semi_major_axis - semi_minor_axis)
min_x DOUBLE The minimum x value allowed in coordinates.
max_x DOUBLE The maximum x value allowed in coordinates.
min_y DOUBLE The minimum y value allowed in coordinates.
max_y DOUBLE The maximum y value allowed in coordinates.
min_z DOUBLE The minimum z value allowed in coordinates.
max_z DOUBLE The maximum z value allowed in coordinates.
min_m DOUBLE The minimum m value allowed in coordinates.
max_m DOUBLE The maximum m value allowed in coordinates.
organization LONG VARCHAR The name of the organization that created the coordinate system used by the spatial reference system.
organization_coordsys_id INT The ID given to the coordinate system by the organization that created it.
srs_type CHAR(11)

The type of SRS as defined by the SQL/MM standard. Values can be one of:

  • GEOGRAPHIC   This is for SRSs based on georeferenced coordinate systems with axes of latitude, longitude (and elevation). These SRSs are of type PLANAR or ROUND EARTH.

  • PROJECTED   This is for SRSs based on georeferenced coordinate systems that do not have axes of latitude and longitude. These SRSs are of type PLANAR.

  • ENGINEERING   This is for SRSs based on non-georeferenced coordinate systems. These SRSs are of type PLANAR.

  • GEOCENTRIC   Unsupported.

  • COMPOUND   Unsupported.

  • VERTICAL   Unsupported.

If srs_type is empty, the type is unspecified.

linear_unit_of_measure UNSIGNED BIGINT The linear unit of measure used by the spatial reference system.
angular_unit_of_measure UNSIGNED BIGINT The angular unit of measure used by the spatial reference system.
count_in_use UNSIGNED BIGINT For internal use only.
polygon_format LONG VARCHAR The orientation of the rings in a polygon. One of CounterClockwise, ClockWise, or EvenOdd.
storage_format LONG VARCHAR Whether the data is stored in normalized format (Internal), unnormalized format (Original), or both (Mixed).
definition LONG VARCHAR The WKT definition of the spatial reference system in the format defined by the OGC standard.
transform_definition LONG VARCHAR Transform definition settings for use when transforming data from this SRS to another.
 Constraints on underlying system table
 See also