Use this CHAR(254) to specify either the host name or IP number.
Use this UNSIGNED SMALLINT parameter to specify the port number to use.
Use this LONG BINARY parameter to specify the message to send to the specified address. If this value is a string, it
must be enclosed in single quotes.
This procedure sends a single UDP packet to the specified address. The procedure returns 0 if the message is sent successfully,
and returns an error code if an error occurs. The error code is one of the following:
-1 if the message is too large to send over a UDP socket (as determined by the operating system) or if there is a problem
with the destination address
the Winsock/Posix error code that is returned by the operating system
If the msg parameter contains binary data or is more complex than a string, you may want to use a variable. For example:
SET v='This is a UDP message';
SELECT dbo.sa_send_udp( '', 1234, v );
This procedure can be used with MobiLink server-initiated synchronization to wake up the MobiLink Listener utility (dblsn.exe). If you use the sa_send_udp system procedure as a way to notify the MobiLink Listener, you should append a 1 to your UDP
packet. This number is a server-initiated synchronization protocol number. In future versions of MobiLink, new protocol versions
may cause the MobiLink Listener to behave differently.