Configuration of network protocol options

Network protocol options are optional settings that provide control over a specified web service protocol. These settings are configured at the command line when you launch your database server with the -xs database server option. See -xs dbeng12/dbsrv12 server option.

For example, the following command line configures an HTTPS listener with the PORT, FIPS, Identity, and Identity_Password network protocol options specified:

dbsrv12 -xs https(PORT=544;FIPS=YES;;IDENTITY_PASSWORD=password) your-database-name.db

This command starts a database server that enables the HTTPS web service protocol for the your-database-name.db database. The network protocol options indicate that the web server should perform the following tasks:

The following list identifies the network protocol options that are commonly used for web service protocols:

Network protocol option Available web service protocols Description
DatabaseName (DBN) protocol option HTTP, HTTPS Specifies the name of a database to use when processing web requests, or uses the REQUIRED or AUTO keyword to specify whether database names are required as part of the URL.
FIPS protocol option HTTPS Enables FIPS-approved security algorithms to encrypt database files, communications for database client/server communication, and web services.
Identity protocol option HTTPS Specifies the name of an identity file to use for secure HTTPS connections.
Identity_Password protocol option HTTPS Specifies the password for the encryption certificate.
LocalOnly (LO) protocol option HTTP, HTTPS Allows a client to choose to connect only to a server on the local computer, if one exists.
LogFile (LOG) protocol option HTTP, HTTPS Specifies the name of the file where the database server writes information about web requests.
LogFormat (LF) protocol option


Controls the format of messages written to the log file where the database server writes information about web requests, and specifies which fields appear in the messages.

LogOptions (LOPT) protocol option HTTP, HTTPS Specifies the types of messages that are recorded in the log where the database server writes information about web requests.
ServerPort (PORT) protocol option HTTP, HTTPS Specifies the port the database server is running on.
 See also