The connection's liveness timeout period, in seconds. The minimum value for the LivenessTimeout connection parameter is 30
seconds, and the maximum value is 32767 seconds. If you specify 0, liveness timeout checking is turned off for the connection.
Any non-zero value less than the minimum value is reset to the minimum value. For example, a connection string containing
"LivenessTimeout=5" uses "LivenessTimeout=30". If no LivenessTimeout value is set, the LivenessTimeout is controlled by the
setting on the server, which defaults to 120 seconds.
A liveness packet is sent periodically across a client/server TCP/IP communication protocol to confirm that a connection is intact. If the
client runs for the LivenessTimeout period without detecting a liveness request or response packet, the communication is ended.
Liveness packets are sent when a connection has not sent any packets for between one third and two thirds of the LivenessTimeout
When there are more than 200 connections to a server, the server automatically calculates a higher LivenessTimeout value based
on the stated LivenessTimeout value. This enables the server to handle a large number of connections more efficiently.
Alternatively, you can set this parameter by entering its value in the LivenessTimeout text box on the Advanced tab of the ODBC Configuration For SQL Anywhere window.