Deleting alerts

 Delete alerts

As an operator or an administrator, you can delete any alert from an Alert List widget. You can delete alerts, regardless of their statuses. Deleting alerts from the Alert List widget does not have any affect on alert emails. Similarly, deleting alert emails does not affect the Alert List widget.

  1. Log in to the Monitor as an administrator or operator user.

  2. Click Overview.

  3. In the Alert List widget, click an alert and click Delete.

  4. TheDelete Alerts window appears, prompting you to select one of the following options:

    • Delete Selected Alerts   Select this option to only delete alerts that are selected in theAlert List widget.

    • Delete Alerts Received Before   Select this option to delete all alerts received before the specified time. Click the date next to this option and specify the date before which you want alerts to be deleted. This option only deletes the alerts for resources included in the Alert List widget.

    • Delete Alerts For The Following Resource   Choose this option to delete all alerts for the selected resource.

    Click OK.

  5. When prompted, click Yes to confirm the deletion.

    The alert is removed from the Alert List widget.

 See also