Data modification using INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

You can perform SQL data modification using the execute method of a PreparedStatement. A PreparedStatement queries the database with a user-defined SQL statement.

When applying a SQL statement to a PreparedStatement, query parameters are indicated by the ? character. For any INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, each ? parameter is referenced according to its ordinal position in the statement. For example, the first ? is referenced as parameter one, and the second as parameter two.

 To INSERT a row in a table
  1. Prepare a new SQL statement as a String.

    String sql_string = 
        "INSERT INTO Department(dept_no, name) VALUES( ?, ? )";
  2. Pass the String to the PreparedStatement.

    PreparedStatement inserter = 
  3. Pass input values to the PreparedStatement using the set method.

    This example sets 101 for the dept_no, referenced as parameter 1, and "Electronics" for the name, referenced as parameter 2.

    inserter.set(1, 101);
    inserter.set(2, "Electronics");
  4. Execute the statement.

  5. Close the PreparedStatement to free resources.

  6. Commit all changes to the database.


Steps(3) and (4) can be repeated as many times as needed.

Alternatively, when only a single INSERT is to be performed, the statement INSERT INTO Department(dept_no, name) VALUES(2, 'Electronics') could be PREPAREd, EXECUTEd and CLOSEd.

The statement could be created using Java String concatenation.

 To UPDATE a row in a table
  1. Prepare a new SQL statement as a String.

    String sql_string = 
        "UPDATE Department SET dept_no = ? WHERE dept_no = ?";
  2. Pass the String to the PreparedStatement.

    PreparedStatement updater = 
  3. Pass input values to the PreparedStatement using the set method.

    updater.set(1, 102);
    updater.set(2, 101);

    The example above is the equivalent of declaring the following SQL statement:

    UPDATE Department SET dept_no = 102 WHERE dept_no = 101
  4. Execute the statement.

  5. Close the PreparedStatement to free resources.

  6. Commit all changes to the database.


Steps(3) and (4) can be repeated as many times as needed.

Alternatively, when only a single INSERT is to be performed, the statement INSERT INTO Department(dept_no, name) VALUES(2, 'Electronics') could be PREPAREd, EXECUTEd and CLOSEd.

The statement could be created using Java String concatenation.

 To DELETE a row in a table
  1. Prepare a new SQL statement as a String.

    String sql_string = 
        "DELETE FROM Department WHERE dept_no = ?";
  2. Pass the String to the PreparedStatement.

    PreparedStatement deleter = 
  3. Pass input values to the PreparedStatement using the set method.

    deleter.set(1, 102);

    The example above is the equivalent of declaring the following SQL statement:

    DELETE FROM Department WHERE dept_no = 102
  4. Execute the statement.

  5. Close the PreparedStatement to free resources.

  6. Commit all changes to the database.


Steps(3) and (4) can be repeated as many times as needed.

Alternatively, when only a single INSERT is to be performed, the statement INSERT INTO Department(dept_no, name) VALUES(2, 'Electronics') could be PREPAREd, EXECUTEd and CLOSEd as described in the section above.

The statement could be created using Java String concatenation.