SyncParms class

Maintains the parameters used during the database synchronization process.

 See also

SyncParms constructor
getAcknowledgeDownload method
getAuthenticationParms method
getLivenessTimeout method
getNewPassword method
getPassword method
getPublications method
getSendColumnNames method
getStreamParms method
getSyncObserver method
getSyncResult method
getTableOrder method
getUserName method
getVersion method
isDownloadOnly method
isPingOnly method
isUploadOnly method
setAcknowledgeDownload method
setAuthenticationParms method
setDownloadOnly method
setLivenessTimeout method
setNewPassword method
setPassword method
setPingOnly method
setPublications method
setSendColumnNames method
setSyncObserver method
setTableOrder method
setUploadOnly method
setUserName method
setVersion method
HTTP_STREAM variable