A semicolon separated string of connection parameters, which are set as keyword value pairs. The connection string must
include the name of the database. These parameters are the same set of parameters that may be specified when you connect to
a database.
A semicolon separated string of database creation parameters, which are set as keyword value pairs. For example: page_size=2048;obfuscate=yes.
This parameter is reserved for future use.
ul_true if database was successfully created or ul_false if it the creation was unsuccessful. Typically ul_false is caused
by an invalid file name or access denial.
The database is created with information provided in two sets of parameters.
The connection-parms are standard connection parameters that are applicable whenever the database is accessed (for example,
file name, user id, password, optional encryption key, and so on).
The creation-parms are parameters that are only relevant when creating a database (for example, obfuscation,page-size, time
and date format, and so one). Applications can call this function after initializing the SQLCA.
The following code illustrates using ULCreateDatabase to create an UltraLite database as the file C:\myfile.udb :