Quick start guide to UltraLite C++ application development

The following procedure is generally used when creating an application using the UltraLite C++ API:

  1. Initialize a ULDatabaseManager object. See ULDatabaseManager class.

  2. (Optional) Enable features in the UltraLite runtime library. See Compiling and linking your application.

  3. Use an UltraLite database. You can open a connection to an existing database, create a new one, drop an existing database, or validate that an existing database has no file corruption.

  4. Finalize the ULDatabaseManager object.

The ULDatabaseManager object should only be initialized once in your application and then finalized when your application is terminating. All methods on the ULDatabaseManager class are static. Use the ULError class to get error information throughout your UltraLite application.