UltraLite C/C++ API reference

This section lists functions that you can use with the C++ interface.

 Header file

This version of the UltraLite C/C++ API supersedes all previous versions which have been deprecated. For more information, see SQL Anywhere deprecated and discontinued features.

You can use the old implementation of the UltraLite C/C++ API by adding the %SQLANY12%\SDK\ulcpp11.cpp file to your UltraLite application project, where SQLANY12 is an environment variable that points to your SQL Anywhere installation directory.

ULConnection class
ULDatabaseManager class
ULDatabaseSchema class
ULError class
ULIndexSchema class
ULPreparedStatement class
ULResultSet class
ULResultSetSchema class
ULTable class
ULTableSchema class
ul_column_default_type enumeration
ul_column_name_type enumeration
ul_index_flag enumeration
ul_table_sync_type enumeration
ul_index_iter_start variable
ul_publication_iter_start variable
ul_table_iter_start variable