Starting the UltraLite engine

An UltraLite client application can automatically start the UltraLite engine, and will need to do that unless it explicitly provides the location of the engine (see UltraLite START connection parameter).

When attempting to automatically start the UltraLite engine, an UltraLite client will look in the following locations (depending on the platform):

Technique Windows Mobile
Windows desktop
  1. Directory of the application that's starting it

  2. The current working directory

  3. The system path

  4. The SQL Anywhere install directory (either under bin32 or bin64), depending on whether the client is 32-bit or 64-bit

Windows Mobile/CE
  1. \Windows\

  2. \ (the root directory)

  3. \UltraLiteDB\

  1. The directory of the application that's auto-starting it

  2. install-dir/bin32

Mac N/A
iPhone N/A