Run the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) in continuous mode

Typically, the consolidated database is run in continuous mode. For information about continuous mode and its alternative, batch mode, see Understanding the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote).

 To run the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) in continuous mode
  1. Ensure that every user with REMOTE authority either has a SEND AT or SEND EVERY frequency specified.

    In continuous mode, the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) sends messages at times specified by the SEND AT or SEND EVERY frequency in the properties of each remote user. See Setting the send frequency.

  2. Start the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) without the -b option.

    On Windows, the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) is named dbremote.exe. On Unix, the name is dbremote. On Mac OS X, you can also use SyncConsole to start the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote). See Run the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) on Mac OS X and Run the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) on Unix.

    For example, the following statement runs dbremote in continuous mode on a database file named c:\mydata.db, connecting with user name ManagerSteve and password sql:

    dbremote -c "UID=ManagerSteve;PWD=sql;DBF=c:\mydata.db" -l 40000

    The user name, ManagerSteve, must have either REMOTE DBA authority or DBA authority. The maximum message length, as defined by the -l option, must be the same for all databases in the system. See SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) requirements.

    For a complete list of dbremote options you can specify, see SQL Remote Message Agent utility (dbremote).

 Running the SQL Remote Message Agent (dbremote) as a service in continuous mode

Setting the send frequency