Trigger Properties window: General tab

This tab has the following components:

  • Name   Shows the name of the trigger.

  • Type   Shows the type of object.

  • Table   Shows the table the trigger is associated with.

  • View   Shows the view the trigger is associated with.

  • Dialect   Shows the SQL dialect in which the code was last saved, either Watcom SQL or Transact-SQL.

  • Events   Shows which kind of event, Insert, Delete, Update, or Update Columns, causes the trigger to execute.

  • Timing   Shows whether the trigger executes before, after, or instead of the event. Row-level triggers can also have SQL Remote conflict timing, which executes before UPDATE or UPDATE OF column-list events.

  • Level   Shows whether the trigger is a row-level trigger or a statement-level trigger.

  • Order   Shows a number that determines the order in which these triggers fire, for triggers in the table that execute for the same kind of event with the same timing. The order can not be set for an INSTEAD OF trigger. If Timing is set to INSTEAD OF, this property does not appear.

  • Comment   Provides a place for you to type a text description of the trigger. For example, you could use this area to describe the trigger's purpose in the system. Later, if you use the Database Documentation Wizard to document your SQL Anywhere database, you can include these comments in the output. See Documenting a database.

 See also