Relay Server warning messages

The warning messages are written to the Relay Server message log.

Many of the error messages contain the characters %1, %2, and so on. These characters are replaced by the parameters to the error message.

Each error has a numeric error code. The text of each error message contains a prefix describing the type of error or warning:

  • RSE   Relay Server error.

  • RSF   Relay Server fatal error. This causes a SQL Anywhere Monitor alert.

  • RSW   Relay Server warning.

 See also

Each warning is assigned a level between 1 and 5. The following table explains each level:

Level Description
1 Server or high level ODBC warnings when a Relay Server starts or shuts down.
2 Synchronization and user level warnings when a synchronization starts and ends.
3 Schema level (including publications and tables) warnings.
4 Script and lower level ODBC warnings.
5 Table and row level warnings.

Relay Server warning messages sorted by error code
Relay Server warning messages sorted by message text