MobiLink server error messages sorted by error code

Error code Message text
-10373 The upload of file %1 failed because the file received does not match the expected file
-10371 Support for spatial is not available for this CPU
-10370 The upload_fetch or upload_fetch_column_conflict script for table '%1' cannot be defined as an ignored script
-10368 Unable to complete the request
-10367 The table '%1' has the upload_fetch script, but no conflict resolution script defined
-10366 The table '%1' has no %2 script
-10362 No overload matching '%1' was found in class '%2'
-10361 The update_poll_every property is invalid. The valid format is <num> for number of seconds
-10360 Error in command line near '%1'
-10359 A critical component of the MobiLink server failed to start correctly
-10358 You can have at most one -x oe switch
-10357 Requires both the -lsc and -ca options specified
-10355 The table '%1' has no %2 script
-10354 <OE>: %1
-10353 Lost the primary server lock
-10352 Unable to store the primary server information
-10351 Unable to lock the primary MobiLink server
-10350 Configuration problem detected when connecting to the arbiter server
-10349 Unable to connect to the arbiter server
-10348 Unable to get the RID for remote ID '%1'
-10347 Unable to get the user ID for user '%1'
-10346 Two or more MobiLink clients are either simultaneously uploading the file '%1', or opening the temporary file '%2' failed
-10345 Two or more MobiLink clients are simultaneously uploading the file '%1'
-10344 The remote database identified by remote ID '%1' is already synchronizing: orphaned UltraLite synchronization detected
-10343 The remote database identified by remote ID '%1' is already synchronizing or the database connection is unusable: unable to access the lock for that remote ID
-10342 The remote database identified by remote ID '%1' is already synchronizing: the lock for that remote ID has been changed by another synchronization
-10341 The remote database identified by remote ID '%1' is already synchronizing: unable to lock that remote ID
-10340 A notifier was unable to connect to the consolidated database
-10339 Unable to execute an RTNotifier's request cursor due to previous errors
-10338 The property set name, '%1', does not contain a correct bracket
-10337 Invalid property name prefix '%1!s.'
-10336 The poll_every property for notifier, '%1', is invalid. The valid format is <num> for number of seconds
-10335 RTNotifier does not recognize the property named '%1'
-10334 You have not specified a request_cursor for notifier '%1'
-10333 Invalid qualifier found on spatial geometry parameter '%1'
-10332 Invalid qualifier found on spatial geometry parameter %1
-10331 A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) contains a null SRID that is not allowed in the remote database
-10330 Spatial library error: '%1'
-10329 A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) was not a valid timestamp with time zone
-10327 The '-rrp' option has been used but no local server connect string has been specified. A local server connect string must be specified using the '-lsc' option to use the '-rrp' option
-10325 The server failed to initialize the recorder
-10324 Unable to close the recorded protocol file
-10323 The file name or subdirectory for a file upload is invalid: '%1'
-10322 Could not write file for transfer: '%1'
-10321 Could not upload the requested file. The upload root directory was not set
-10320 Could not find file upload root directory: '%1'
-10319 Unable to write to the file
-10318 Unable to record part of the synchronization
-10317 Unable to set the thread affinity mask which is required by the recorder
-10316 Unable to open the file '%1 for recording
-10314 This server is not licensed to use dbmlsync
-10313 This server is not licensed to use QAnywhere
-10312 This server is not licensed to use the direct row API
-10309 This server is not licensed to connect to a consolidated database of the following type: %1
-10308 Upload data for column %1 of table '%2' is invalid
-10307 The character set (%1) used by the remote client cannot be mapped by the MobiLink server
-10306 The character set (%1) used by the remote client cannot be mapped by the MobiLink server
-10297 Unable to send SQL Passthrough script due to an unknown script flag: '%1'
-10296 Unable to support MLSD
-10295 The MobiLink server and client implementation IDs mismatch
-10292 Unable to accept new connections on network listener port
-10291 A corrupt or invalid subscription list was received from the client
-10290 Unable to abort the distributed transaction (event: %1) -- system error: '%2'
-10289 Unable to commit the distributed transaction (event: %1) -- system error: '%2'
-10288 Unable to enlist the database in the Distributed Transaction Coordinator
-10287 Unable to initialize a distributed transaction -- system error: '%1'
-10286 Unable to get the DTC transaction manager -- system error: '%1'
-10283 Unable to resolve host name '%1' (error: '%2')
-10282 Unable to create a shared memory file
-10281 In table '%1', the column named '%2' in the ml_column table has an index greater than the number of remote columns
-10280 The number of columns in client table '%1' does not agree with the number defined in ml_column
-10279 Connection was dropped due to lack of network activity
-10278 Error on notification pipe
-10277 Error in reading from notification pipe (system error %1)
-10276 Unable to accept an incoming connection (system error %1)
-10275 Unable to notify (system error %1)
-10274 Unable to poll sockets (system error %1)
-10273 Unable to reuse address (system error %1)
-10272 Unable to create unix pipe for socket selector notification (system error %1)
-10271 Unable to close socket (system error %1)
-10270 Unable to wait on completion port (system error %1)
-10269 Unable to post listener deletion request to completion queue (system error %1)
-10268 Unable to perform a hard close on a listener socket
-10267 Unable to post socket deletion request to completion queue (system error %1)
-10266 Unable to perform a hard close on a socket '%1'
-10265 Unable to start accepting connections (system error %1)
-10264 Unable to create connection socket (system error %1)
-10263 Could not associate socket with completion port (system error %1)
-10262 Unable to listen on port (system error %1)
-10261 Unable to bind listener socket to port (system error %1)
-10260 Unable to create listener socket (system error %1)
-10259 Network address '%1' is not local
-10258 Unable to create an I/O completion port (system error %1)
-10255 Unable to start the restartable synchronization
-10254 Could not add script version: '%1'
-10253 Could not read file for transfer: '%1'
-10252 Could not open file for transfer: '%1'
-10251 Could not find requested file '%1' in the download root directory or the '%2' sub-directory
-10250 Could not transfer requested file. The transfer root was not set
-10249 Could not find file transfer root directory: '%1'
-10247 Unable to set transaction isolation level to snapshot
-10246 Unable to retry the current transaction after conflict-update with snapshot isolation in the consolidated database. The retry limit has been reached
-10245 The upload table '%1' (column #%2) has the data type '%3', but your ODBC driver doesn't support '%4'
-10244 The MobiLink server has encountered an error and the synchronization has been aborted
-10243 The script '%1' references unknown authentication parameter '%2'
-10242 The script '%1' references authentication parameter %2 but there are only %3
-10241 The script '%1' references table '%2' column %3, but there are only %4 columns
-10240 The script '%1' contains an invalid user parameter: '%2'
-10239 The script '%1' contains an invalid parameter reference: '%2'
-10237 The script '%1' references the in out parameter '%2' more than one time
-10236 The script '%1' contains invalid syntax for using named parameters
-10235 The script '%1' contains an invalid character in a named parameter
-10234 The script '%1' cannot process pre-image row data
-10233 Table '%1' does not have a column named '%2'
-10232 Column names must be set in the ml_column table to use named row parameters
-10231 The script '%1' cannot process row data
-10230 Parameter %1 has been set to NULL
-10229 System parameter %1 has been set to NULL
-10228 Invalid system parameter '%1' for script '%2'
-10227 Unknown system parameter '%1' for script '%2'
-10226 Invalid named parameter (too short or long) for script '%1'
-10225 Failure occurred while executing user supplied code in the server
-10224 Column-level conflict detection is not available for table '%1', because it contains BLOBs
-10223 The handle_UploadData event script must be void or return null
-10222 Unable to allocate memory for the UploadData instance
-10221 Unable to allocate memory for the DownloadData instance
-10220 Only one of the upload_fetch and upload_fetch_column_conflict scripts may be defined for table '%1'
-10216 A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) was an invalid unique identifier string
-10215 Invalid parameter '%1'
-10214 Invalid return value (%2) from the %1 script. Using the default action code (%3)
-10213 Unable to convert the string %1 to a numeric value
-10212 Unable to open temporary file '%1'
-10211 A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) contains character data that cannot be converted
-10209 Unable to load the Java VM shared library. Make sure that the shared library path is set correctly and that LD_PRELOAD is set correctly and supported by your version of the dynamic loader
-10207 Unrecognized event name: %1
-10206 '%1'
-10205 Failure executing script '%1'
-10204 Script '%1' is a member of '%2', but only %3 classes are permitted per script version
-10203 Attempt to use a connection with an invalid handle
-10202 Transactions on this connection cannot be committed or rolled back
-10201 Binding of parameter %1 requires value to be of type '%2', but a '%3' was supplied
-10200 The prepared SQL statement '%1' requires %2 parameters, but %3 parameters were supplied
-10199 Attempt to execute a SQL statement with bound parameters before MLDBCommand.Prepare() was called
-10198 The prepared SQL statement '%1' requires %2 parameters, but parameter %3 was not supplied
-10197 Attempt to execute SQL statement '%1' after MLDBCommand.Close() was called
-10196 Attempt to execute null SQL statement. Set value of MLDBCommand.CommandText before calling a MLDBCommand.Execute method
-10195 Attempt to prepare null SQL statement. Set value of MLDBCommand.CommandText before calling MLDBCommand.Prepare()
-10194 Attempt to prepare SQL statement '%1' after MLDBCommand.Close() was called
-10193 Unable to load Assembly '%1' into domain '%2'
-10192 Could not create domain '%1'
-10191 Unable to locate .NET Domain Configuration File '%1'
-10190 Script '%1' reported a fatal error
-10189 Script '%1' encountered an error
-10188 Script '%1' reported a server error
-10187 Failed to load .NET start class '%1'
-10186 Script '%1' reported a synchronization error
-10185 Script '%1' returned an object of type '%2', which is not a subtype of 'System.Void' or 'System.String'
-10183 Only one domain can be used per script version. Domain '%1' was in use when script '%2' attempted to use domain '%3'
-10182 Invalid format used for script '%1'
-10181 Unable to shutdown .NET scripting VM. %1 workers still attached
-10180 Unable to shutdown .NET scripting VM
-10179 No Assembly in domain '%1' contains type '%2'
-10178 Domain '%1' was not specified in Domain configuration file
-10177 The name '%1' is not a valid name for a .NET start class
-10176 .NET Domain Configuration File is corrupt
-10175 The .NET scripting VM requires version %1 of the MobiLink Script DLL, but was supplied version %2 instead
-10174 The .NET scripting VM requires version %1 of the MobiLink ODBC Bridge DLL, but was supplied version %2 instead
-10173 Script '%1' returns a '%2' object, but only return types of 'System.Void' and 'System.String' are supported
-10172 Assembly '%1' does not contain '%2'
-10171 Assembly '%1' was compiled against version %2 of '%3'. Please recompile against version %4
-10170 Unable to allocate memory needed for script execution
-10169 Unable to detach worker from VM
-10168 Unable to attach thread to .NET runtime
-10167 .NET CLR Host encountered unexpected error
-10166 Unable to find file '%1'
-10165 Unable to load .NET CLR Host DLL
-10164 Unable to load .NET Framework CLR Version %1
-10163 Option '%1' is invalid or was not specified correctly on MobiLink command line
-10162 Option '%1' was previously defined on the MobiLink command line with value '%2'
-10161 No valid constructor was found for class '%1'
-10160 Unable to attach JDBC connection
-10159 Unable to create new database connection
-10158 Exception thrown in method: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
-10157 Could not call method: '%1' with arguments of type '%2'
-10156 Internal error: '%1'
-10155 System exception thrown in constructor of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'
-10154 Exception thrown in constructor of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
-10153 No suitable constructor found in class: '%1'
-10151 No public methods found in script class: '%1'
-10150 Linkage error while loading class: '%1' Error description: '%2'
-10149 Exception thrown in initializer of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
-10148 Java exception
-10147 There are too many entries in the JVM config file: %1
-10146 Too many options sent to Java VM
-10145 Unable to access the JRE at: %1
-10144 Shared install directory is incorrect: %1
-10143 Unable to find shared components directory. JRE location is not specified in options. JRE location is unknown
-10142 Unable to find the JAR file: '%1' in install directory or classpath
-10140 The option '%1' needs a path
-10139 The options '%1' and '%2' must not be used together
-10138 There are no entries in the JVM config file: %1
-10137 Invalid line found in the JVM config file: %1. Line is too long
-10136 Invalid line found in the JVM config file: %1 All lines must begin with either '#' or '-'
-10135 Expected an instance of or subclass, but found class '%1' instead
-10134 Expected an instance of java.lang.String or subclass, but found class '%1' instead
-10133 %1
-10132 Returned class '%1' not a subclass of or java.lang.String
-10131 Expected <void> or an object, but a primitive of type '%1' was returned instead
-10130 Not enough arguments to execute script: '%1.%2'. %3 arguments are needed but only %4 are provided
-10128 Failed to load necessary method: '%1' for Java class: %2
-10127 Failed to load necessary Java class: %1
-10126 Error while attaching thread to Java VM
-10125 Unable to parse class and method name from script: %1
-10124 The following non-daemon threads were destroyed: %1
-10123 Unable to load the Java VM due to an unknown error
-10122 Unable to load the Java VM due to a memory error
-10121 Unable to load the Java VM due to a version error
-10120 %1 is an unknown subclass of ScriptExecutionException
-10119 Unable to dump exception information. Received exception while processing exception
-10118 Caught Java exception with type: %1. Exception message: %2
-10117 Stream Error: %1
-10112 Unable to create the background thread
-10110 Unable to initialize communications stream %1: %2
-10108 Unable to load DLL or shared object %1 for stream %2: %3
-10107 Unable to load DLL or shared object: %1
-10105 Bad stream specification: %1
-10101 Table '%1' has no entry in the ml_table table
-10100 The MobiLink system table '%1' is missing or a table column is missing
-10099 Unable to load UNILIB collation %1: %2
-10094 Expecting %1 authentication parameter(s) from client, but received %2 for script %3
-10091 This connection will be abandoned due to previous errors
-10088 Unable to load entry points from DLL: '%1'
-10087 Version mismatch with DLL or shared object: '%1' Expected version: %2 got version: %3
-10086 Cannot load DLL or shared object: '%1' for Script Language: '%2'
-10085 LANG: %1 - Failed to allocate database connection
-10084 LANG: %1 - Failed to attach thread
-10083 Unable to delete user name '%1' from the ml_user_table
-10081 The MobiLink server DLL or shared object version does not match the data layer DLL or shared object version
-10076 The MobiLink server was unable to calculate the timestamp precision on the consolidated database using the ml_scripts_modified table. Timestamp precision related warnings will not be generated
-10075 Required ODBC function %1 is not supported by the driver
-10074 Unable to update table '%1' using %2
-10073 Unable to delete from table '%1' using %2
-10072 Unable to insert into table '%1' using %2
-10071 Unable to fetch from table '%1' using %2
-10067 Unable to allocate a connection
-10066 Unable to initialize ODBC
-10065 Unable to COMMIT transaction: %1 -- Attempting to ROLLBACK
-10064 Unable to ROLLBACK transaction: %1
-10063 An error occurred while uploading an updated row into table '%1'. The updated column values are as follows:
-10062 An error occurred while uploading a deleted row into table '%1'. The deleted column values are as follows:
-10061 An error occurred while uploading an insert row into table '%1'. The inserted column values are as follows:
-10060 Memory allocation failed
-10058 Unable to open %1
-10057 Invalid password for user %1
-10056 User name '%1' not found in the ml_user table
-10055 Unable to authenticate user %1
-10054 Unable to insert user name '%1' into the ml_user table
-10052 The %1 script returned %2
-10050 Expecting %1 columns in cursor, but found %2
-10048 Expecting at least %1 parameters in script, but only found %2: %3
-10047 Expecting %1 parameters in script, but only found %2: %3
-10041 INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while retrieving a BLOB -- read
-10039 Scripts cannot be defined as NULL
-10038 A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) was either too big or invalid for the remote schema type
-10035 Download failed with client error %1
-10032 Upload failed with client error %1
-10031 An error occurred when trying to store progress information in the consolidated database
-10030 A network read failed. Unable to read data from the remote client
-10029 Attempt to set non-null column to null
-10028 Unable to connect to the consolidated database. Aborting the synchronization
-10024 Unrecognized domain id %1
-10021 Unable to retry the current transaction after deadlock in the consolidated database. The retry limit has been reached
-10020 Unable to flush scripts
-10019 Error fetching table script %1.%2
-10018 Error fetching connection script %1
-10016 Cannot convert '%1' to Unicode
-10013 Version '%1' not found in the ml_script_version table. Cannot synchronize
-10004 Protocol version mismatch -- expecting %1 but received %2
-10003 Memory allocation failed, attempted to allocate %1 bytes
-10002 Consolidated database server or ODBC error: %1
-10001 Protocol error: %1
0 No error