Catalog changes

Following is a list of catalog changes introduced in SQL Anywhere version 12.0.0.

  • New ISYSSEQUENCE system table and SYSSEQUENCE system view   The ISYSSEQUENCE system table contains one row for each user-defined sequence. See SYSSEQUENCE system view.

  • New ISYSSEQUENCEPERM system table and SYSSEQUENCEPERM system view   The ISYSSEQUENCEPERM system table records the privileges that users or groups hold on sequences. See SYSSEQUENCEPERM system view.

  • ISYSTEXTCONFIG system table   The ISYSTEXTCONFIG system table has been modified to hold information about the entry points and the external libraries used for tokenizing and/or prefiltering. Specifically, the existing prefilter column data type has changed to be a LONG VARCHAR to hold the entry points and library name for an external prefilter library. A new LONG VARCHAR column, external_term_breaker, has been added to hold the entry points and library name for an external term breaker library. See SYSTEXTCONFIG system view.

  • ISYSTABCOL system table: new base_type_str column   This column holds the annotated type string representing the physical type of the column. See SYSTABCOL system view.

  • ISYSPROCPARM system table: new base_type_str column   This column holds the annotated type string representing the physical type of the parameter. See SYSPROCPARM system view.

  • ISYSUSERTYPE system table: new base_type_str column   This column holds the annotated type string representing the physical type of the user type. See SYSUSERTYPE system view.

  • ISYSOBJECT system table: new object_type_str column   This column holds a word description (for example, MAT VIEW) of the value in SYSOBJECT.object_type.

    Previously, the SYSOBJECT view only provided object_type, which gave the object type expressed as a TINYINT. This meant you needed to access either the documentation or the view definition to translate the integer to a word description. Now, you can query the object_type_str column to see the word description of the object. See SYSOBJECT system view.