A new method, UltraLite_Table* OpenTableEx(), is now part of the UltraLite_Connection object. This method gives non-SQL applications
a more versatile way of opening a table and directly scan rows. See Using direct page scans.
With this method you can specify one of the following ways to open a table:
To return the rows in of the primary key, use ul_table_open_primary_key.
To return the rows in arbitrary order, use ul_table_open_no_index.
To return rows in the order specified by an index, use ul_table_open_with_index.
Functions ULGetLastDownloadTime, ULResetLastDownloadTime, and ULCountUploadRows have changed syntax to reflect the change
from publication masks to publication lists.
The function ULGetPublicationMask is no longer available.
New methods in Connection class for event handling and notification: cancelGetNotification, createNotificationQueue, declareEvent,
destroyNotificationQueue, getNotification, getNotificationParameter, registerForEvent, sendNotification, and triggerEvent.
UltraLiteJ is a Java implementation of UltraLite that supports Java SE and Java ME environments, including BlackBerry smartphones.
See Introduction to UltraLiteJ.