Behavior changes

Following is a list of product-wide changes in version 10.0.0.

  • Location of samples directory changed   The samples included with SQL Anywhere 10 are no longer installed under your SQL Anywhere 10 installation directory. As a result of this change, the sample databases are now installed to the following locations:

    Sample database Location
    SQL Anywhere sample database samples-dir\demo.db
    MobiLink CustDB sample consolidated database application samples-dir\MobiLink\CustDB\
    UltraLite CustDB sample database samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB\

    For a list of the default location of samples-dir for each supported operating system, see Samples directory.

  • Unsupported platforms   The following platforms are no longer supported:

    • Windows 95
    • Windows 98
    • Windows Me
    • Windows NT
    • Compaq Tru64

    For other changes to platform support, see Supported platforms.

  • Sample database revised and renamed   The SQL Anywhere sample database is now called demo.db. Objects such as tables, columns, views, and indexes now have full-word names to benefit users who use screen readers. See SQL Anywhere sample database.

  • Miscellaneous file name changes   In addition to file name changes mentioned for individual products, the following file names have changed:

    Old name New name
    asa.cvf sqlany.cvf
    asaldap.ini saldap.ini
    asasrv.ini sasrv.ini
    install-dir/SYBSasa9/lib sqlanywhere10/lib32 or sqlanywhere10/lib64
    install-dir/SYBSasa9/bin sqlanywhere10/bin32 or sqlanywhere10/bin64

To reflect the new product name, some registry keys have changed. They are now:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\SQLANY 10.0
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\SQLANY 10.0 Admin 
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sybase\Sybase Central\5.0 (registry entries) 
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\10.0 (registry entries)

In addition to file changes mentioned for individual products, the following file has been added: ulbase.lib.

The following service group names have changed:

Description Old name New name
Network server ASANYServer SQLANYServer
Personal server ASANYEngine SQLANYEngine
MobiLink synchronization client ASANYMLSync SQLANYMLSync
 Changes to ODBC drivers used by MobiLink, QAnywhere, and remote data access