Following is a list of product-wide behavior changes introduced in version 12.0.0. For information about supported platforms
and versions, see
SQL Anywhere Replication Agent for Sybase Replication Server unsupported The SQL Anywhere Replication Agent for Sybase Replication Server is not supported in version 12. You must use an alternative replication or synchronization technology such as MobiLink or SQL Remote. See Introducing MobiLink Technology and Introducing SQL Remote.
The following changes have been made to the software as a result of this change:
a_change_log DBTools structure The ignore_ltm_trunc member is no longer supported.
LTMGeneration database property This property is reserved for system use.
LTMTrunc database property This property is reserved for system use.
Log Transfer Manager utility (dbltm) This utility has been removed.
Log Translation utility (dbtran) The -is option no longer supports the value RepServer.
The -rsu option has been removed.
Service utility (dbsvc) You can no longer create services for Replication Agent. The SQLANYLTM service group is no longer supported.
The -w and -t options no longer support the value dbltm.
Support utility (dbsupport) This utility no longer returns information for the SQL Anywhere Replication Agent (dbltm).
Transaction Log utility (dblog) The -g and -il options are no longer supported. See Transaction Log utility (dblog).
delete_old_logs database option This option is not supported for use with Replication Agent.
ALTER PROCEDURE statement The following syntax is no longer supported:
ALTER PROCEDURE [ owner.]procedure-name REPLICATE { ON | OFF }
ALTER TABLE statement The REPLICATE { ON | OFF } clause is no longer supported. See ALTER TABLE statement.
Executables now respect the user's umask settings when running as a daemon In previous releases when an executable ran as a daemon (it was started with the -ud option) on Unix, the executable ignored the user's umask setting and called umask(0), which created new files with group+other read/write permissions. When you start a SQL Anywhere 12 executable as a daemon, the executable does not call umask(0) and respects the user's umask setting. Because the current user's umask setting controls the permissions for executables, you should ensure that the user's umask value is set to the desired level before starting the executable.
This behavior change applies to the following executables:
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