Interactive SQL new features

Following is a list of additions to Interactive SQL introduced in version 12.0.0.

  • View spatial data using the Spatial Preview and Spatial Viewer   See View spatial data as images.

  • New ways to execute COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements   In Interactive SQL you can choose SQL » Commit to execute a COMMIT statement and you can choose SQL » Rollback to execute a ROLLBACK statement. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+C to execute a COMMIT statement and Ctrl+Shift+R to execute a ROLLBACK statement.

    Executing a COMMIT or ROLLBACK via the SQL menu or a keyboard shortcut does not modify the contents of the SQL Statements pane; however, the Results tab in the Results pane is cleared. See Executing COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements in Interactive SQL.

  • Changes to how you can select and copy columns, rows, and cells from result sets   In the Interactive SQL Results pane you can select multiple columns, rows, and cells in a result set, and then copy them. For example, to select multiple columns, hold the Ctrl key while clicking cells from the columns you want to copy, and then right-click and choose Copy Data » Columns. See Copying columns, rows, and cells from an Interactive SQL result set.

  • Prevent OEM users from saving passwords in their favorites   OEM deployments can now prevent users from saving passwords in their connection favorites in Interactive SQL. See the allowPasswordsInFavorites option in Configuring the administration tools.

  • Editing, importing, and exporting Favorites   Now you can edit, export, and import your Interactive SQL favorites. See Using favorites and Sharing Favorites.

  • Execution times   The status bar in Interactive SQL shows the length of time that the current SQL statement has been executing.

  • Changes to the Results pane  

    • Display results as text or in a scrolling table   Previously, you could only configure the display of a result set in the Results pane by changing settings in the Options window. Now, you can choose Data » Show Results As Scrollable Table to display the result set in a scrollable table. You can also choose Data » Show Results As Text to display the result set as text. You must execute a statement to see the change take effect. See Customizing Interactive SQL.

    • Sizing columns in Interactive SQL   You can right-click a result set and choose whether the columns should be sized to fit the window or to fit the data. See Customizing Interactive SQL.

  • Help for SQL functions   In the SQL Statements pane, you can right-click a SQL function and choose Help For function-name and the documentation for the function appears.

  • Suppress warning messages in Interactive SQL   You can disable some of the warning messages that appear in Interactive SQL. For example you can suppress the warning that appears when you have unsaved text in the SQL Statements pane.

    You can disable the warning message by choosing Tools » Options » Messages and then clearing the checkboxes in the Optional Messages list. See Customizing Interactive SQL.

  • Recovering files in Interactive SQL   Interactive SQL attempts to recover unsaved changes to .sql files when Interactive SQL closes unexpectedly. When you edit a file, Interactive SQL makes a backup copy of the file 30 seconds after the last change and before you execute a statement.