MobiLink new features

Following is a list of additions to MobiLink introduced in version 11.0.1.

  • Schema caching of remote database schema   The new schema caching feature reduces overhead for smaller synchronizations. Remote schemas are cached by the MobiLink server on the first synchronization. On subsequent synchronizations, remote schema information is only sent to the MobiLink server if it does not already have the schema cached.

  • -vi option for mlsrv11   Display the column values of each row uploaded. See -v mlsrv12 option.

  • -vq option for mlsrv11   Display the column values of each row downloaded. See -v mlsrv12 option.

  • -vm option for mlsrv11   Prints the duration of each synchronization and the duration of each synchronization phase to the log whenever a synchronization completes. See -v mlsrv12 option.

  • -ppv option for mlsrv11   Causes MobiLink to print new periodic monitoring values according to the period specified. See -ppv mlsrv12 option.

  • ml_ignore prefix   The MobiLink server recognizes SQL scripts prefixed with --{ml_ignore} as intentionally ignored scripts. See Ignoring scripts.

  • -sv option for dblsn   Specifies the script version used by the MobiLink listener to authenticate against a database. See -sv dblsn option.

  • Support for Oracle VArray   The iAnywhere Solutions 11 - Oracle ODBC driver now supports the use of Oracle VArray in stored procedures. See Using Oracle VARRAY.

  • Light weight polling listener keywords variables   The poll_connect, poll_notifier, poll_key, and poll_every listener keywords have been added to support light weight polling.

  • Light weight polling action variables   $poll_connect, $poll_notifier, $poll_key, and $poll_every action variables have been added to support light weight polling.

  • Client authentication using Common Access Cards   MobiLink clients now support authentication using client identities from Common Access Cards (CACs). See identity_name.

    Separately licensed component required

    This feature is part of the CAC Authentication Add-on and requires a separate license. See Separately licensed components.

  • Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2008   The MobiLink synchronization server now supports consolidated databases running on Microsoft SQL Server 2008. For information about mapping the new Microsoft DATE, TIME, and DATETIME2 data types, see Microsoft SQL Server data mapping.

  • New method for .NET DownloadTableData interface   getLastDownloadTime method to return last download time for a table. See GetLastDownloadTime method.

  • Log verbosity for targeted MobiLink users and remote IDs   You can now set different log verbosity for a targeted MobiLink user or remote ID. See Log verbosity for targeted MobiLink users and remote IDs.

  • Support for MySQL in Model mode   The MobiLink plug-in now supports MySQL consolidated databases.

  • -c option for mlmon   The -c option has been added for the mlmon command for the MobiLink Monitor. The -c option closes the MobiLink Monitor at the end of the connection and saves the session to the specified database.