Metric Name | Description |
Active Requests | Shows total number of concurrent requests |
Average Back End Server Processing Time | Measures the average time it takes for the backend server to process an HTTP request. |
Average Request Completion Time | Measures the average time after a response is sent to the client that the Relay Server waits for a backend connection to close. |
Average Request Time | Measures the average time the Relay Server waits to receive the entire HTTP request from the client. |
Average Request-Response Cycle Time | Measures the average time the Relay Server takes to process a request and receive a response. |
Average Response Time | Measures the average time it takes the Relay Server to receive the entire HTTP response from the backend server. |
Channel Timeout | The maximum latency for the Relay Server to detect a blackout of a backend service. |
CPU Usage |
Measures the average percentage of CPU time used by the Relay Server. |
Down Channel Bytes | Shows the total number of bytes coming down from the outbound enabler to the backend server extension during the last collection period. |
Error Count | Shows the total number of errors that occurred during the last collection period. This count includes the error count of the children. |
Farm Status |
Shows current status of the Relay Server Farm:
Free Disk Space For Log File |
Shows the disk space available for the Relay Server Farm log file. |
Host |
Shows the name of the computer running the Relay Server Farm. |
Operating System Version |
Shows the operating system on which the Relay Server software is running, including build numbers and service packs. |
Peak Active Requests | Shows the maximum number of concurrent requests since the Relay Server started. |
Peak Shared Memory Usage | Shows the maximum usage of shared memory of the Relay Server since the Relay Server started. |
Processor Architecture |
Shows type of processor on which the Relay Server farm is running. |
Relay Server Start Time | Shows the start up time for the Relay Server. For backend servers, shows the time the outbound enabler is connected to the backend server extension. |
Relay Server Status | Shows the status of the Relay Server. |
Relay Server Version | Shows the version of the Relay Server software being run. |
Request Bytes | Shows the total number of bytes from HTTP requests coming up from the client to the client extension. |
Requests Completed | Shows the total number of finished request-response cycles. |
Response Bytes | Shows the total number of bytes in HTTP responses coming down from the client extension to the client. |
Sessions Created | Shows the total number of new HTTP sessions created. |
Shared Memory Limit | Shows the total shared memory available to the Relay Server. |
Unavailable Since | Shows the time since the resource became unavailable. |
Up Channel Bytes | Shows the total number of bytes going up from the backend server extension to the outbound enabler. |
Web Server Version | Shows the version of the Web Server software being run. |
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