Canceling QAnywhere messages

Canceling a QAnywhere message puts the message into a canceled state before it is transmitted. With the default delete rules of the QAnywhere Agent, canceled messages are eventually deleted from the message store. Canceling a QAnywhere message fails if the message is already in a final state, or if it has been transmitted to the central messaging server.

The following procedures describe how to cancel QAnywhere messages.


You cannot cancel a message using the QAnywhere SQL API.

 To cancel a message (.NET)
  1. Get the ID of the message to cancel.

    // msg is a QAMessage instance that has not been 
    // transmitted.
    string msgID = msg.getMessageID();
  2. Call CancelMessage with the ID of the message to cancel.


    See CancelMessage method.

 To cancel a message (C++)
  1. Get the ID of the message to cancel.

    // msg is a QAMessage instance that has not been 
    // transmitted.
    qa_string msgID = msg->getMessageID();
  2. Call cancelMessage with the ID of the message to cancel.

    bool result = mgr->cancelMessage(msgID);

    See cancelMessage method.

 To cancel a message (Java)
  1. Get the ID of the message to cancel.

    // msg is a QAMessage instance that has not been 
    // transmitted.
    String msgID = msg.getMessageID();
  2. Call cancelMessage with the ID of the message to cancel.

    boolean result = mgr.cancelMessage(msgID);

    See cancelMessage method.