Lesson 3: Send a message from a QAnywhere client to a JMS client

 To find out the name of the QAnywhere JMS connector
  1. Choose Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere » Sybase Central.

  2. Choose Connections » Connect With QAnywhere 12.

  3. Click ODBC Data Source Name.

  4. Click Browse and select QAnywhere 12 Demo.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the Connectors tab.

    The right-pane displays a list of all active JMS connectors.

  8. Examine the name field.

    There should only be one active QAnywhere JMS connector in the list. The name of the connector is displayed under the name field.

 To send a message from a QAnywhere client to a JMS client
  1. In the saclient1 - TestMessage window, click Message » New.

  2. In the Destination ID field, type the name of your JMS system.

  3. In the Subject and Message fields, type sample text.

  4. Click Send.

    A window appears, indicating that a message has been received.