Condition tag

Use the following condition subtags to filter the messages to include in the MessageDetailsRequest. You can specify as many of these tags as you want in the <condition> tag. If you use more than one of the same tag, then the values given are logically ORed together, whereas if you use two different tags, the values are logically ANDed together.

<condition> subtags Description


Selects messages that are addressed to the specified address.


Returns the details of messages in the archive message store.


Selects messages based on rules.


Filters either binary or text messages. For example, <kind>text</kind> filters text messages, and <kind>binary</kind> filters binary messages.


Selects the message with a particular message ID.


Selects messages that originated from the specified client.


Selects messages that currently have the priority specified.


Selects messages that have the specified message property. To check a property name and value, use the syntax <property>property-name=property-value</property>. To check the existence of a property, use the format <property>property-name</property>.


Selects messages that currently have the status specified.