Lesson 5: Start the MobiLink server

In this lesson, you start the MobiLink server. You start the MobiLink server (mlsrv12) using the -c option to connect to your consolidated database, and the -sl java option to load your Java class.

 To start the MobiLink server (mlsrv12)
  • Connect to your consolidated database and load the class on the mlsrv12 command line.

    Replace c:\MLobjxml with the location of your source files.

    Run the following command:

    mlsrv12 -c "dsn=mlxml_db" -o serverOut.txt -v+ -dl -zu+ -x tcpip  -sl java (-cp c:\MLobjxml)

    The MobiLink server messages window appears.

Below is a description of each MobiLink server option used in this tutorial. The options -o, -v, and -dl provide debugging and troubleshooting information. Using these logging options is appropriate in a development environment. For performance reasons, -v and -dl are typically not used in production.

Option Description


Precedes the connection string.


Specifies the message log file serverOut.txt.


The -v option specifies what information is logged. Using -v+ sets maximum verbose logging.


Displays all log messages on screen.


Adds new users automatically.


Sets the communications protocol and parameters for MobiLink clients.

-sl java

Specifies a set of directories to search for class files, and forces the Java VM to load on server startup.

 Further reading