Lesson 3: Start the MobiLink server

In this lesson, you start the MobiLink server. You start the MobiLink server (mlsrv12) using the -c option to connect to your consolidated database.

 To start the MobiLink server
  • Connect to your consolidated database.

    Run the following command:

    mlsrv12 -c "dsn=mlmon_db" -o serverOut.txt -v+ -dl -zf -zu+ -x tcpip

    The MobiLink server messages window appears.


The -zf option should be used for debugging and development purposes only. This tutorial requires the -zf option so that you do not need to shut down the server when adding new scripts to the consolidated database in a later lesson.

Below is a description of each MobiLink server option used in this tutorial. The options -o, -v, and -dl provide debugging and troubleshooting information. Using these logging options is appropriate in a development environment. For performance reasons, -v and -dl are typically not used in production.

Option Description


Precedes the connection string.


Specifies the message log file serverOut.txt.


Specifies what information is logged. Using -v+ sets maximum verbose logging.


Causes the MobiLink server to check for script changes at the beginning of each synchronization.


Displays all log messages on screen.


Adds new users automatically.


Sets the communications protocol and parameters for MobiLink clients.

 Further reading