Setting up an UltraLite remote database

The following procedure creates a remote database for CustDB. The CustDB remote database must be an UltraLite database.

The application logic for the remote database is located in samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB. It includes the following files:

  • Embedded SQL logic   The file custdb.sqc contains the SQL statements needed to query and modify information from the UltraLite database, and the calls required to start synchronization with the consolidated database.

  • C++ API logic   The file custdbcomp.cpp contains the C++ API logic.

  • User-interface features   These features are stored separately, in platform-specific subdirectories of Samples\UltraLite\CustDB.

You complete the following steps to install the sample application to a remote device that is running UltraLite:

 To install the sample application to a remote device
  1. Start the consolidated database.

  2. Start the MobiLink server.

  3. Install and start the sample application to your client device.

  4. Synchronize the sample application.
