Lesson 1: Create a consolidated database

In this lesson, you set up a consolidated database. If you have an existing synchronization system you can skip this section.

 To create a consolidated database
  1. Run the following commands to create directories to be used in this tutorial. The consolidated directory contains all the database and other files that would normally reside on your central server.

    md c:\cadmin_demo
    md c:\cadmin_demo\consolidated
  2. Create a SQL Anywhere consolidated database and an ODBC data source to connect to it.

    cd c:\cadmin_demo\consolidated
    dbinit consol.db
    start dbeng12 consol.db
    dbdsn -w cadmin_tutorial_consol consol -y -c "uid=dba;pwd=sql;dbf=consol.db;server=consol"
    cd ..