Lesson 8: Create a synchronization model

In this lesson, you create a synchronization model. If you are adding central administration to existing synchronization system you can skip this lesson.

 To create a synchronization model
  1. You first need to define the tables for the remote database in the consolidated database. In the Folders view of Sybase Central under Central Admin Tutorial » Consolidated Databases » , right-click Tutorial and choose Open Interactive SQL.

  2. In the SQL Statements pane type the following:

    create table customer(
        cust_id       integer primary key,
        f_name        varchar(100),
        l_name        varchar(100)
  3. Press F5 to execute the SQL. Close Interactive SQL. You do not need to save your SQL statements.

  4. In the Folders view of Sybase Central, right-click Central Admin Tutorial and choose New » Synchronization Model.

  5. On the Welcome page, type tutorial1 for the name of the new synchronization model.

  6. On the Primary Key Requirements page check all three checkboxes to confirm that your schema meets the requirements for synchronization. Click Next.

  7. On the Consolidated Database Schema page, choose the Tutorial database and click Next.

  8. On the Remote Database Schema page, select No, Create a New Remote Database Schema and click Next.

  9. On the New Remote Database Schema page, ensure the customer table is checked and click Next.

  10. On the Download Type page, choose Snapshot Download and click Next.

  11. On the Download Deletes page, answer No to the question Do You Want Data Deleted on the Consolidated Database to be Deleted on the Remote Databases and click Next.

  12. On the Download Subset page, check Yes, Download the Same Data to Each Remote and click Next.

  13. On the Upload Conflict Detection page, select No Conflict Detection and click Next.

  14. Accept the defaults on the Publication, Script Version and Description page and click Finish.

    You have now created a synchronization model that contains a single table called customer that will be synchronized between the remote and the consolidated databases. The next step is to deploy that model to create synchronization objects in the consolidated database and to generate SQL for creating a remote database.