MobiLink Listener action commands for Windows devices

An action is specified when you configure a new message handler. When a filter condition is met, an action is initiated. If the action fails, an alternative action is initiated. Actions are defined using the action keyword; alternative actions are defined using the altaction keyword. For more information about MobiLink Listener usage, see MobiLink Listener keywords for Windows devices.

Following is a list of action commands:

Command Description
START program arglist Initiates a program while the MobiLink Listener runs in the background. See START action command.
RUN program arglist Pauses the MobiLink Listener to run a program. See RUN action command.
POST windowmessage | id to windowclass | windowtitle Posts a window message to a window class. See POST action command.
SOCKET port=windowname[;host=hostname][;sendText=text][;recvText=text[;timeout=seconds]] Sends a message to an application using a TCP/IP connection. See SOCKET action command.
DBLSN FULL SHUTDOWN Forces the MobiLink Listener to shutdown. See DBLSN FULL SHUTDOWN action command.

You can only specify one action per action or altaction keyword. If you want an action to perform multiple tasks, create a batch file that contains multiple commands and run the file using the RUN action command.

 See also

START action command
RUN action command
POST action command
SOCKET action command
DBLSN FULL SHUTDOWN action command