Device tracking gateway properties

Device tracking gateway properties allow you to change the behavior of a device tracking gateway. All device tracking gateway properties are optional. For more information on setting these properties, see MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Property Value Description
confirm_action { yes | no } Specifies whether confirmation is sent on delivery through this gateway. The default value is no.
confirm_delivery { yes | no } Specifies whether the MobiLink Listener should confirm with the consolidated database that the message was received. The default value is yes. The MobiLink Listener must be started with the -x MobiLink Listener option specified.
description description_text Describes the gateway.
enable { yes | no } Specifies whether the device tracking gateway should be used.
smtp_gateway smtp_gateway_name Specifies the name of the SMTP subordinate gateway. The default value is DefaultSMTP. A device tracking gateway can only use one SMTP gateway. The gateway must be enabled.
sync_gateway sync_gateway_name Specifies the name of the SYNC subordinate gateway. The default value is DefaultSYNC. A device tracking gateway can only use one SYNC gateway. The gateway must be enabled.
udp_gateway udp_gateway_name Specifies the name of the UDP subordinate gateway. The default value is DefaultUDP. A device tracking gateway can only use one UDP gateway. The gateway must be enabled.