Resolving conflicts with resolve_conflict scripts

When the MobiLink server detects a conflict using an upload_fetch script, the following events take place.

  • The MobiLink server inserts old row values uploaded from the remote database as defined by the upload_old_row_insert script. Typically, the old values are inserted into a temporary table.

    See upload_old_row_insert table event.

  • The MobiLink server inserts the new row values uploaded from the remote database as defined by the upload_new_row_insert script. Typically, the new values are inserted into a temporary table.

    See upload_new_row_insert table event.

  • The MobiLink server executes the resolve_conflict script. In this script you can either call a stored procedure, or define a sequence of steps to resolve the conflict using the new and old row values.

For more information, see resolve_conflict table event.
