Download acknowledgement

Download acknowledgement is an optional component of synchronization where the client immediately informs MobiLink server when the download is successfully applied at the remote database. It is recommended for deployments whose business logic must act as soon as possible when remote receipt of a download is received. It is not required to ensure that your data is received at the remote.

There are two modes of download acknowledgement: blocking, which has been discontinued, and non-blocking. All download acknowledgements are now handled as non-blocking.

To use download acknowledgements, there are settings on both the client and server.

On the client, you specify download acknowledgement with the dbmlsync extended option SendDownloadAck or the UltraLite synchronization parameter Send Download Acknowledgement.

On the server, there are two connection events that you can use to record the last successful download time in your consolidated database when using non-blocking download acknowledgement, publication_nonblocking_download_ack connection event and nonblocking_download_ack connection event.


Download acknowledgement can not be used with resumable downloads. See Resuming failed downloads.

 See also