Required scripts

When you run the MobiLink server, certain scripts are required. Which scripts are required is determined by whether you are doing a bi-directional, upload-only, or download-only synchronization.

For bi-directional or upload-only synchronization, MobiLink requires the following table scripts:

For bi-directional or download-only synchronization, MobiLink expects every table in the synchronization to have both a download_cursor and a download_delete_cursor. Or, if you are processing the download by direct row handling, MobiLink requires that you specify a handle_DownloadData connection script. Note that this script can be empty and you can process the download in any other event.

All required scripts must be specified. If a required script is missing the synchronization aborts. If there is a data script that you want ignored, use the prefix --{ml_ignore}. See Ignoring scripts.