Lesson 3: Set up the Monitor to monitor a MobiLink server farm

In this lesson, you add a MobiLink server farm resource to monitor two MobiLink servers. A MobiLink server farm resource consists of one or more MobiLink server resources.

 To add a MobiLink server farm resource
  1. Add two MobiLink servers as resources to be monitored. For the first resource, use the MobiLinkServerSample resource that you added in the previous lesson. See Lesson 2: Set up the Monitor to monitor a MobiLink server.

    Add a second MobiLink server resource:

    1. At a command prompt, run the following to start a MobiLink server that listens on port 8039:

      "C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 12\Bin32\mlsrv12.exe" -vcrs -zu+ -c  "dsn=SQL Anywhere 12 CustDB;uid=ml_server;pwd=sql" -ot ml_tcpip.txt -zs ml_tcpip -x tcpip{port=8039}
    2. Log in to the Monitor as an administrator. See Lesson 1: Log in to the Monitor as the default administrator.

    3. Choose Tools » Administration.

    4. Click Resources, and then click Add.

    5. Select MobiLink Server, and then click Next.

    6. In the Name field, type ml_tcpip, and then click Next.

    7. In the Host field, type localhost.

      In the Port field, type 8039, and then click Next.

    8. When you are prompted for the required authorization, in the User ID field, type a user name such as monitor_user, and in the Password field, type a password, such as sql.

      These credentials are used to create a user on the MobiLink server. The Monitor stores this user ID and password and uses it to connect to the MobiLink server and monitor it.

    9. Click Create.

      The ml_tcpip resource is added to the Resource List in the Overview dashboard.

    10. Click OK.

    11. Click Close.

  2. Add the MobiLink server farm resource.

    1. Open the Administration window.

      Choose Tools » Administration.

    2. Click Resources, and then click Add.

    3. Select MobiLink Server Farm, and then click Next.

    4. In the Name field, type MobiLink_Test_Farm, and then click Next.

    5. Select MobiLinkServerSample and ml_tcpip, and then click Create.

    6. Click OK.

    7. Click Close.

  3. Choose Dashboards » Overview.

    The MobiLink_Test_Farm resource appears in the Resource List.

    Note that the MobiLink server resources remain in the Resource List.

  4. Click the arrow to the left of the MobiLink_Test_Farm to see the list of MobiLink server resources that are included in the farm.

  5. Click on MobiLink_Test_Farm to open the MobiLink_Test_Farm dashboard and view the collected metrics.

    The Alerts List, Resource Widget, and Server Info widgets should appear.