Using dbmlsync extended options

MobiLink provides several extended options to customize the synchronization process. Extended options can be set for publications, users, and subscriptions. In addition, extended option values can be overridden using options on the dbmlsync command line or the sp_hook_dbmlsync_set_extended_options hook procedure. See sp_hook_dbmlsync_set_extended_options

For a complete list of extended options, see MobiLink SQL Anywhere client extended options.

 To override an extended option on the dbmlsync command line
  • Supply the extended option values in the -e or -eu dbmlsync options for dbmlsync, in the form option-name=value. For example:

    dbmlsync -e "v=on;sc=low"
 To set an extended option for a subscription, publication or user
  • Add the option to the CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statement or CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION USER statement in the SQL Anywhere remote database.

    Adding an extended option for a publication is a little different. To add an extended option for a publication, use the ALTER/CREATE SYNCHRONIZATION SUBSCRIPTION statement and omit the FOR clause.


Dbmlsync network protocol options