Custom progress values in scripted upload

By default, the start progress and end progress values passed to your scripted upload procedures represent timestamps. By default the end progress is the time when dbmlsync starts to build the upload. The start progress for a synchronization is always the end progress used for the most recent successful upload of that subscription. This default behavior is appropriate for most implementations.

The sp_hook_dbmlsync_set_upload_end_progress hook is provided for the rare cases where different behavior is required. Using this hook, you can set the end progress to be used for an upload. The end progress you choose must be greater than the start progress. You cannot alter the start progress.

In the sp_hook_dbmlsync_set_upload_end_progress hook you can specify the end progress either as a timestamp or as an unsigned integer. The value is available in either form to the upload stored procedures. For your convenience, the sa_convert_ml_progress_to_timestamp and sa_convert_timestamp_to_ml_progress functions can be used to convert progress values between the two forms.
