To deploy SQL Anywhere remote databases, you need to create the databases and add the appropriate publications. To do this, you can customize a prototype remote database.
When deploying a starter database to multiple locations, it is safest to deploy databases that have a null remote ID. If you have synchronized the databases to prepopulate them, you can set the remote ID back to null before deployment. This method ensures that the remote ID is unique because the first time the remote database synchronizes, a unique remote ID is assigned. Alternatively, the remote ID can be set as a remote setup step, but it must be unique.
See Setting remote IDs.
Create a prototype remote database.
The prototype database should have all the tables and publications that are needed, but not the data that is specific to each database. This information typically includes the following:
The MobiLink user name.
Synchronization subscriptions.
The global_database_id option that provides the starting point for global autoincrement key values.
For each remote database, perform the following operations:
Create a directory to hold the remote database.
Copy the prototype remote database into the directory.
If the transaction log is held in the same directory as the remote database, the log file name does not need to be changed.
Run a SQL script that adds the individual information to the database.
The SQL script can be a parameterized script. For information about parameterized scripts, see PARAMETERS statement [Interactive SQL], and Using SQL command files.
When you use the Create Synchronization Model Wizard to create your MobiLink client application, you can deploy your database using a wizard. See Deploying synchronization models.
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