Identifying and fixing table fragmentation using SQL

You can also identify and fix table fragmentation using SQL.

 To check for table fragmentation
  1. In the left pane of Sybase Central, click app_profiling - DBA, and then choose File » Open Interactive SQL.

    Interactive SQL starts and connects to the app_profiling.db database.

  2. In Interactive SQL, run the following SQL statements to test for table fragmentation on the Employees table:

    CALL sa_table_fragmentation( 'Employees' );

    If the value in the segs_per_row (the number of segments per row) column is greater than 1.1, then table fragmentation is present. Higher degrees of fragmentation may negatively impact performance.

  3. In Interactive SQL, run a REORGANIZE TABLE statement similar to the following to reduce table fragmentation:

  4. You have completed the tutorial on diagnosing table fragmentation.

 See also