Returning result sets from procedures

Result sets allow a procedure to return more than one row of results to the calling environment.

The following procedure returns a list of customers who have placed orders, together with the total value of the orders placed. The procedure does not list customers who have not placed orders.

CREATE PROCEDURE ListCustomerValue()
RESULT ("Company" CHAR(36), "Value" INT)
   SELECT CompanyName,
      CAST( sum(  SalesOrderItems.Quantity *
                  AS INTEGER ) AS value
   FROM Customers
      INNER JOIN SalesOrders
      INNER JOIN SalesOrderItems
      INNER JOIN Products
   GROUP BY CompanyName
   ORDER BY value DESC;
  • Run the following statement:

    CALL ListCustomerValue ( );
Company Value
The Hat Company 5016
The Igloo 3564
The Ultimate 3348
North Land Trading 3144
Molly's 2808
... ...